Airliner World  |   September 2018
In the September issue of Airliner World, we find out how Air Canada has overcome some sizeable hurdles and is now thriving in Canada’s booming but highly competitive market. We also shine the spotlight on Rex, the self-styled “best regional carrier in Australia”, and we get an exclusive preview of Virgin Atlantic’s multi-million-pound Airbus A330-200 fleet makeover.
Elsewhere in this edition, we go behind the scenes with Hong Kong-based Cathay Pacific as it takes delivery of its first Airbus A350-1000, and we hear how SkyWork Airlines has emerged from the brink of financial ruin to become a shining star in Switzerland’s aviation sector. We also join Star Helicopters for a photo mission over Los Angeles, chronicle the history of the Tupolev Tu-204, considered by many to be the right aircraft at the wrong time, and we pay a visit to Germany’s Flugausstellung Hermeskeil museum.
Lastly, we bring you our comprehensive coverage of worldwide news, including a full round-up from the Farnborough International Airshow, plus details of the first orders for the new Airbus A220, Boeing and Embraer close on tie-up, ATR celebrates a raft of orders, Air Nostrum and CityJet announce partnership plans, Iberia takes delivery of its maiden A350 and Singapore Airlines takes the top spot at this year’s Skytrax awards. We also have all our regular sections covering the latest commercial aircraft acquisitions, up-to-date accident reports and developments from the world of aviation training and MROs.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Airliner World September 2018.