Field Sports Bookazine  |  Country Life: The Way We Were First Edition
In just a few centuries life in Britain has been completely transformed, with new ideas and technologies fuelling the Industrial Revolution and reshaping everything from the behaviours of those in high society to daily life, agriculture, cooking, education and architecture. This bookazine charts these incredible changes through the eyes of the people who witnessed it and the places that still stand as testament of the old ways that helped to build Britain into a globally influential nation. You will step back in time to explore splendid stately homes, uncover ground-breaking methods of farming and food production, wander the beautifully manicured gardens of the rich and famous and enjoy the views of Britain’s rolling hills and wind-swept beaches. Prepare for a fascinating journey spanning three centuries and the total reshaping of a country and its people.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Field Sports Bookazine Country Life: The Way We Were First Edition.