Photography Bookazine  |  Teach Yourself Fine Art Photography Fifth Edition
Fine art photography is one of the most difficult genres to define. Everyone has their own interpretation and that is what makes it an incredibly exciting genre. It all begins with a concept. Fine art photography is a way of expressing a message or emotion. It is a way of pushing boundaries and creating more than just a photograph, and a way of creating a piece of art that would not look out of place on the wall of a gallery.
Teach Yourself Fine Art Photography introduces you to the idea of fine art photography and explains how to go from concept to execution. Discover how to refine your compositions, shoot stunningly striking black and white imagery, impactful portraits and tasteful nudes. Learn from the informative features and follow the in-depth shooting and editing tutorials that will help you to produce high-quality professional looking captures. If that wasn’t enough, hear from four experienced photographers about why they got into the genre and how they develop and produce a successful body of work.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Photography Bookazine Teach Yourself Fine Art Photography Fifth Edition.