Amateur Photographer  |  13th August 2016
Soft, slightly blurry shots are the bane of the serious photographer’s life,
and even a slight lack of sharpness in critical areas can be enough to spoil a pixel peeper’s day (the 100% view in Lightroom is not for the faint-hearted). Even if you think you are setting autofocus points correctly, things can still go wrong just as you press the shutter button. What’s more, poor focusing technique will be ruthlessly revealed by the latest high-resolution DSLRs such as the Nikon D810 and Canon EOS 5DS. It’s a problem that even the most experienced photographer has to wrestle with constantly, because even slightly ‘off’ focusing can make the difference between getting a big commission or winning a prestigious prize, and ending up as an also-ran. In this issue, some top pros share their tips for achieving a more effective autofocus.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Amateur Photographer 13th August 2016.