Amateur Photographer  |  15th August 2015
Inside Jeremy Walker shows how to shoot dramatic contre-jour landscapes. As with any photographic technique there are certain factors
to consider, the first and foremost of which is health and safety. No, you don’t need a high-visibility jacket and hard hat to shoot into the light, but you should avoid Quality lenses The better the lens quality, the less chance of flare or ghosting. The latest lenses with anti-reflective coatings
should therefore be the optics of choice. Prime lenses with less complicated element groupings than zoom lenses, there will be less chance of image degradation from flare. Light shades looking into the sun with a medium-to-long lens for any prolonged period of time, since
this can damage your eyesight. So, do you need any particular or
specialist camera kit to shoot into the light? Well, yes and no. You only need a camera and anything from a wide-to-long lens, depending on
your subject matter.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Amateur Photographer 15th August 2015.