Amateur Photographer  |  17th November 2018
The Shipwrecked Mariners’ Society was founded in February 1839 as a result of the tragic loss of a fleet of fishing boats on the north Devon coast in October 1838. Today the society organises a photo competition every year to showcase the UK’s coastline and its associated people and industry. AP Editor Nigel Atherton was part of the judging panel and helped to whittle down nearly 1,000 entries to determine the winners of the four main categories Ships and Wrecks, Industry, People and Recreation, Coastal Views, and of course the overall winner. Chris Herring, a professional photographer from Norfolk, scooped the prestigious title this year. We speak to Chris and some of the other category winners and highly commended photographers about their images and what tips they can offer other photographers.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Amateur Photographer 17th November 2018.