Amateur Photographer  |  18th August 2018
Back in august 2008, olympus and Panasonic sent out a dry, technical press release outlining a new camera system called Micro Four Thirds. In it, the firms explained how many people were put off buying DsLrs, finding them ‘big, heavy, and difficult to operate’. They then described a new lens mount with a considerably shorter distance between the lens and the sensor compared to sLrs. This would allow cameras to be made smaller and lighter, and therefore, hopefully, more appealing to those non-buyers. But this left no space for a mirror to direct light to an optical viewfinder, and so the word ‘mirrorless’ was born. So in this issue, Andy Westlake recalls how mirrorless cameras have
advanced and developed since their inception a decade ago.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Amateur Photographer 18th August 2018.