Military Vehicles Archive  |  Issue 3
Forming a four-part work that will become an indispensable compendium of British Army soft-skin logistic vehicles, Kelsey’s revamped Military Vehicles Archive will eventually cover more than 110 manufacturers, with listings of more than 600 different vehicles.
In this, the third issue, we have potted histories of 27 manufacturers, ranging from Lacre to Pagefield, and including such favourites as Land Rover, Leyland, Morris and Morris-Commercial, Mack, and Oshkosh, as well as including other manufacturers with which you are perhaps less familiar. There is a comprehensive tabulated listing of the vehicles produced by each of the manufacturers, which includes the model identifier and typical nomenclature, and gives basic technical details. And finally, there are more than a dozen more-detailed ‘featured vehicles’ scattered throughout the text.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Military Vehicles Archive Issue 3.