TGO - The Great Outdoors Magazine  |  100 Epic Adventures (by The Great Outdoors)
We’ve collected 100 of the world’s greatest outdoor experiences and challenges for you to test yourself against on land and on water. From wild camping in remote Scotland and climbing in the Himalaya to running marathons in extreme conditions and blasting across the USA on a mountain bike, this global bucket has something for everyone. It also has spectacular photography, top tips from the world’s finest outdoor athletes and explorers, and shortlists of the best outdoor gear for the job. Graded from achievable to extreme and split into five sections (Hike, Climb, Run, Pedal, Paddle), there are adventures here for everybody. If you're determined to go further, climb higher and overcome greater obstacles than ever before, 100 Epic Adventures will inspire you to keep striving for more!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in TGO - The Great Outdoors Magazine 100 Epic Adventures (by The Great Outdoors).