3D World  |  March 2017
Occasionally a software release comes along that has everyone excited a release that offers such a gear change in tools, features and improvements that it demands you pay attention. This month sees the release of Houdini 16, and it’s a release that every CG artist should pay attention to, as the industry standard for VFX and animation in film and games looks set to become even more powerful and accessible. “As one of the most fast-paced, continually innovating 3D platforms, Houdini is always in development,” says SideFX chief technology officer Cristin Barghiel. “That’s why, after twenty years, Houdini still feels young and vibrant. We don’t patch things, we take the time to do it right. For example, our Boolean was fine before, but the new one sets the bar for the whole 3D industry,” explains Cristin.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in 3D World March 2017.