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Digital Photographer Magazine Issue 253 Edición anterior

53 Reseñas   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Photography)
Only €5,99
Interview: Gareth Iwan Jones on celebrities, commercial work and an award-winning lockdown project

Capture better bird photos
With help from several pro bird photographers, we look at the key ingredients of successful avian images, covering key settings and skills

Creative project
Tom Calton shows you how to capture studio quality portraits in the bright sunshine with just a few bits of kit and some easy shooting steps

Photoshop tutorial
For less vivid colours in your images, learn how to reduce saturation the right way using Blending modes and Opacity control
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Digital Photographer

Issue 253 Interview: Gareth Iwan Jones on celebrities, commercial work and an award-winning lockdown project Capture better bird photos With help from several pro bird photographers, we look at the key ingredients of successful avian images, covering key settings and skills Creative project Tom Calton shows you how to capture studio quality portraits in the bright sunshine with just a few bits of kit and some easy shooting steps Photoshop tutorial For less vivid colours in your images, learn how to reduce saturation the right way using Blending modes and Opacity control

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Issue Cover

Digital Photographer  |  Issue 253  

Interview: Gareth Iwan Jones on celebrities, commercial work and an award-winning lockdown project

Capture better bird photos
With help from several pro bird photographers, we look at the key ingredients of successful avian images, covering key settings and skills

Creative project
Tom Calton shows you how to capture studio quality portraits in the bright sunshine with just a few bits of kit and some easy shooting steps

Photoshop tutorial
For less vivid colours in your images, learn how to reduce saturation the right way using Blending modes and Opacity control
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Whether you're a part-time amateur or a full-time pro, Digital Photographer aims to challenge and motivate you to take your best shots.

Regular features cover all the key kit and techniques, and you'll learn new tricks and fine-tune your skills with practical photography advice and tips from top professionals. Please note: Digital versions of the magazines do not include the covermount items or supplements that you would find on printed editions.

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Basado en 53 Opiniones de los clientes
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You could prices in £, US$ and € :) Revisado 02 febrero 2021

Digital Photographer

Great magazine Revisado 20 enero 2021

Digital Photographer

No nonense, professionl approach to technique and expertise skills acquisition. Revisado 20 diciembre 2020

Artículos de este número

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Pruebe una muestra GRATIS de Digital Photographer