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Lifestyle Bookazine Mindful Home 3rd Edition Edición anterior

0 Reseñas   •  English   •   Women's Interest (Lifestyle & Fashion)
We could all do with becoming a bit more mindful, allowing our minds to focus on the here and now, being aware of all of our senses in the present moment, and not concerning ourselves with the past or future. Our homes are more important than you might realise in our quest to become more mindful. They provide a sanctuary in which we can truly relax and switch off from the world outside – or at least, they should. These days, while attempting to hold down a career, raise a family, socialise (in real life and through social media), and occasionally enjoy the odd hobby, it’s often our homes that take a back seat and become neglected. Before you know it, you’re surrounded by dirty washing, unfiled paperwork and general clutter. It’s almost impossible to relax in this kind of environment. A happy home really does make for a happier mind. In the pages that follow, explore some of the basic principles for a more mindful home, from feng shui and hygge to Marie Kondo-style minimalism. Discover the importance of decluttering and then finding a home for everything; look at ways to add personality through décor and soft furnishings; take inspiration as we guide you through every room of the house; and learn how to create your own accessories. With expert advice on how to make simple, practical changes, transform your home into a haven of happiness today.
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Lifestyle Bookazine

Mindful Home 3rd Edition We could all do with becoming a bit more mindful, allowing our minds to focus on the here and now, being aware of all of our senses in the present moment, and not concerning ourselves with the past or future. Our homes are more important than you might realise in our quest to become more mindful. They provide a sanctuary in which we can truly relax and switch off from the world outside – or at least, they should. These days, while attempting to hold down a career, raise a family, socialise (in real life and through social media), and occasionally enjoy the odd hobby, it’s often our homes that take a back seat and become neglected. Before you know it, you’re surrounded by dirty washing, unfiled paperwork and general clutter. It’s almost impossible to relax in this kind of environment. A happy home really does make for a happier mind. In the pages that follow, explore some of the basic principles for a more mindful home, from feng shui and hygge to Marie Kondo-style minimalism. Discover the importance of decluttering and then finding a home for everything; look at ways to add personality through décor and soft furnishings; take inspiration as we guide you through every room of the house; and learn how to create your own accessories. With expert advice on how to make simple, practical changes, transform your home into a haven of happiness today.

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Lifestyle Bookazine  |  Mindful Home 3rd Edition  

We could all do with becoming a bit more mindful, allowing our minds to focus on the here and now, being aware of all of our senses in the present moment, and not concerning ourselves with the past or future. Our homes are more important than you might realise in our quest to become more mindful. They provide a sanctuary in which we can truly relax and switch off from the world outside – or at least, they should. These days, while attempting to hold down a career, raise a family, socialise (in real life and through social media), and occasionally enjoy the odd hobby, it’s often our homes that take a back seat and become neglected. Before you know it, you’re surrounded by dirty washing, unfiled paperwork and general clutter. It’s almost impossible to relax in this kind of environment. A happy home really does make for a happier mind. In the pages that follow, explore some of the basic principles for a more mindful home, from feng shui and hygge to Marie Kondo-style minimalism. Discover the importance of decluttering and then finding a home for everything; look at ways to add personality through décor and soft furnishings; take inspiration as we guide you through every room of the house; and learn how to create your own accessories. With expert advice on how to make simple, practical changes, transform your home into a haven of happiness today.
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