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Lifestyle Bookazine World's National Parks Fourth Edition Edición anterior

0 Reseñas   •  English   •   Women's Interest (Lifestyle & Fashion)
On 1 March 1872, the Yellowstone National Park Protections Act was signed into American law by President Ulysses S Grant. From that day on, Yellowstone and its unique geothermal features would be protected from development, ensuring it was preserved “for the benefit and enjoyment of the people.” Countries all over the world have since followed in America’s footsteps, and today there are over 4,000 national parks all across the globe, protecting a wide variety of landscapes. These pure and unspoiled areas make fantastic travel locations, whether you want to go camping in the Lake District, hike through the chasm of the Grand Canyon, bungee jump by Victoria Falls or cruise along the tranquil Lijiang river, national parks make ideal destinations for nature lovers of all ages. Read on to discover your next adventure…
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Lifestyle Bookazine

World's National Parks Fourth Edition On 1 March 1872, the Yellowstone National Park Protections Act was signed into American law by President Ulysses S Grant. From that day on, Yellowstone and its unique geothermal features would be protected from development, ensuring it was preserved “for the benefit and enjoyment of the people.” Countries all over the world have since followed in America’s footsteps, and today there are over 4,000 national parks all across the globe, protecting a wide variety of landscapes. These pure and unspoiled areas make fantastic travel locations, whether you want to go camping in the Lake District, hike through the chasm of the Grand Canyon, bungee jump by Victoria Falls or cruise along the tranquil Lijiang river, national parks make ideal destinations for nature lovers of all ages. Read on to discover your next adventure…

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Lifestyle Bookazine  |  World's National Parks Fourth Edition  

On 1 March 1872, the Yellowstone National Park Protections Act was signed into American law by President Ulysses S Grant. From that day on, Yellowstone and its unique geothermal features would be protected from development, ensuring it was preserved “for the benefit and enjoyment of the people.” Countries all over the world have since followed in America’s footsteps, and today there are over 4,000 national parks all across the globe, protecting a wide variety of landscapes. These pure and unspoiled areas make fantastic travel locations, whether you want to go camping in the Lake District, hike through the chasm of the Grand Canyon, bungee jump by Victoria Falls or cruise along the tranquil Lijiang river, national parks make ideal destinations for nature lovers of all ages. Read on to discover your next adventure…
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