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N-Photo Magazine October 2023 Edición anterior

76 Reseñas   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Photography)
Discover the ultimate guide to capturing stunning autumn landscapes and shooting imaginative fantasy portraits in the latest issue of N-Photo. Get expert advice on choosing the right Nikon Z-series camera for you and learn how to set up your AF for super-sharp shots. Plus, explore 6 inspirational photo projects to try at home today.
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October 2023 Discover the ultimate guide to capturing stunning autumn landscapes and shooting imaginative fantasy portraits in the latest issue of N-Photo. Get expert advice on choosing the right Nikon Z-series camera for you and learn how to set up your AF for super-sharp shots. Plus, explore 6 inspirational photo projects to try at home today.

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Issue Cover

N-Photo  |  October 2023  

Discover the ultimate guide to capturing stunning autumn landscapes and shooting imaginative fantasy portraits in the latest issue of N-Photo. Get expert advice on choosing the right Nikon Z-series camera for you and learn how to set up your AF for super-sharp shots. Plus, explore 6 inspirational photo projects to try at home today.
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N-Photo is the only monthly practical photography magazine covering Nikon digital SLR photography. Whether you want to take better pictures with your Nikon D-SLR, improve any digital photo in Photoshop or Nikon Capture NX 2 or buy the best Nikon-compatible kit, N-Photo has all the advice you need to get the most from your photography. Every tutorial has a live-action video guide to accompany it – just follow the links to our reader-only YouTube channel and enjoy two great ways to learn new skills! N-Photo is 100% Nikon and 100% independent.

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Basado en 76 Opiniones de los clientes
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Manuel Campilho - Portugal">

As a Nikon user I have to read N-Photo but ....

On 2010 I bought my first DSLR (D90) and started in the photography world.
A few months later I was walking by a newstand and found a N-Photo magazine and just out of curiosity I stated to read it, .... and imediatly I bought it.
At home i read it front to end several times always finding something new :)
I decided to subcrive it and have since 2011 been a subscriver.

What i don't like or think you could improve:
- N-Photo is printed in Europe, so why don't you put prices in EUROS? Why just USD and GBP? It is one big negative point and simple to correct.
- Articles have become more and more about photography (not wrong, after all it's all about photography) but less and less about deep new photo and Nikon technics (new ways of doing things, new features, etc)

What i like:
- Well, I supose everything else :), but the chalanges (Nokon skills) and the tests are what I always have to read and whatch the videos.

Ah: one last point: since you have "converted" the DVD into a webpage why not creat a subscription with only digital access? I'm starting to have dificulty finding room to keep all the printed issues :)
Manuel Campilho - Portugal
Revisado 01 octubre 2021


Keep including Affinity Photo tutorials Revisado 09 noviembre 2020


super! Revisado 25 julio 2020


Great magazine for the pro and amateur enthusiast. Revisado 03 abril 2020


Cheap and Amazing Revisado 14 febrero 2020

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