Sporting Rifle Books  |  Sport in Wildest Britain - A Modern Perspective
Originally released just before Hesketh Prichard’s death in 1922, Sport in Wildest Britain quickly sold out, as did the subsequent second edition. Since then nearly 90 years have elapsed and the book is still deemed one of the best books on sport ever written by a British sportsman – whose descriptive skill with the pen has never been eclipsed. Copies have become increasingly hard to find, and this, coupled with a chance meeting between another sporting author, Peter Carr, and Hesketh Prichard’s great-grandson Charlie Jacoby, set into motion an idea that resulted in this, the third edition. It has an additional modern perspective added to each chapter by Peter Carr, plus four new chapters on species not covered in the original. This new edition will no doubt set the benchmark for modern sporting writers, and is a must-have for everyone who likes to pursue wild quarry in wild places with shotgun or rifle.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Sporting Rifle Books Sport in Wildest Britain - A Modern Perspective.