Iron Cross  |  British Empire Medals & Clasps
Your guide to collecting classic, rare and unusual medals and clasps of the British Empire.
BATTLES & CAMPAIGNS – Famous and significant clashes where single or multiple awards were issued by Britain and her Allies. Includes the Peninsular War, Waterloo, Rorke’s Drift, Boxer Rebellion, Malayan campaign and more.
17th-19th CENTURY MEDALS – Awards from the early years of the medal system, starting with the Dunbar Medal of 1650 and including company medals and rare clasps.
20th CENTURY MEDALS – The interesting medals and clasps of the 20th century, starting with the Polar Medal of 1904, leading up to the GSM of 2008 and the clasps for various theatres of conflict.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Iron Cross British Empire Medals & Clasps.