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Hobbies & Crafts

Paracordz Factory Magazine

0 Critiques   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Arts & Crafts)
Paracordz Factory is a new magazine including more than 30 fun, colourful paracord projects, such as bracelets, hairclips, hairband, handbag and even a dog collar! Using brightly coloured paracord and buckles, all the projects have full colour step-by-step pictures and detailed written instructions to make each project easily achievable by children 8 years old and older.

Paracord is not limited to a scout group activity any longer, weaving paracord survival wrist bands are now becoming fashionable accessories for both boys and girls and is set to be the new must-have accessory this summer!
Paracordz Factory Preview PagesParacordz Factory Preview Pages

Paracordz Factory

Issue 1 More than 30 fun, colourful paracord projects, such as bracelets, hairclips, hairband, handbag and even a dog collar! Using brightly coloured paracord and buckles, all the projects have full colour step-by-step pictures and detailed written instructions to make each project easily achievable by children 8 years old and older. Paracord is not limited to a scout group activity any longer, weaving paracord survival wrist bands are now becoming fashionable accessories for both boys and girls and is set to be the new must-have accessory this summer!

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Paracordz Factory issue Issue 1

Paracordz Factory  |  Issue 1  

More than 30 fun, colourful paracord projects, such as bracelets, hairclips, hairband, handbag and even a dog collar! Using brightly coloured paracord and buckles, all the projects have full colour step-by-step pictures and detailed written instructions to make each project easily achievable by children 8 years old and older.
Paracord is not limited to a scout group activity any longer, weaving paracord survival wrist bands are now becoming fashionable accessories for both boys and girls and is set to be the new must-have accessory this summer!
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