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Old Glory Magazine The Rise and Fall of King Coal Édition spéciale

39 Critiques   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
Only €9,99
The Rise and fall of King Coal tells the fascinating story of coal from its origins in prehistoric swamps to its early primitive mining methods and on to its role as the mineral that fuelled the Industrial Revolution.

Aimed at the general public as well as miners and mining engineers, it explores the history, operation and layout of the collieries, explains the locations of the coalfields and examines the hazards, hardships, disputes and tragedies that were part of every miner’s life.

It also devotes coverage to the railways that were a major and inseparable part of all colliery operations, serving the pits faithfully both on the surface and underground.

Finally, with Britain now possessing only a handful of opencast and tiny drift mines while still importing millions of tons of coal from overseas, the UK’s energy policy is examined at a time when many Britons are worrying whether the self-inflicted destruction of the deep-mining industry will one day prove to have been disastrously short-sighted.
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Old Glory Magazine

The Rise and Fall of King Coal The Rise and fall of King Coal tells the fascinating story of coal from its origins in prehistoric swamps to its early primitive mining methods and on to its role as the mineral that fuelled the Industrial Revolution. Aimed at the general public as well as miners and mining engineers, it explores the history, operation and layout of the collieries, explains the locations of the coalfields and examines the hazards, hardships, disputes and tragedies that were part of every miner’s life. It also devotes coverage to the railways that were a major and inseparable part of all colliery operations, serving the pits faithfully both on the surface and underground. Finally, with Britain now possessing only a handful of opencast and tiny drift mines while still importing millions of tons of coal from overseas, the UK’s energy policy is examined at a time when many Britons are worrying whether the self-inflicted destruction of the deep-mining industry will one day prove to have been disastrously short-sighted.

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Issue Cover

Old Glory Magazine  |  The Rise and Fall of King Coal  

The Rise and fall of King Coal tells the fascinating story of coal from its origins in prehistoric swamps to its early primitive mining methods and on to its role as the mineral that fuelled the Industrial Revolution.

Aimed at the general public as well as miners and mining engineers, it explores the history, operation and layout of the collieries, explains the locations of the coalfields and examines the hazards, hardships, disputes and tragedies that were part of every miner’s life.

It also devotes coverage to the railways that were a major and inseparable part of all colliery operations, serving the pits faithfully both on the surface and underground.

Finally, with Britain now possessing only a handful of opencast and tiny drift mines while still importing millions of tons of coal from overseas, the UK’s energy policy is examined at a time when many Britons are worrying whether the self-inflicted destruction of the deep-mining industry will one day prove to have been disastrously short-sighted.
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If you love the spectacle of immaculately-restored old machinery, or are fascinated by Britain’s rich industrial and transport heritage, Old Glory is the magazine for you! In vivid detail it brings back all the sights and sounds of yesteryear.
Glorious showman’s engines belt out the amperes to drive historic fairground rides; pairs of mighty steam ploughing engines turn the soil; steam rollers make up roads once more; tram wheel flanges squeal through town and city streets; colourful working narrowboats ply the canals; dray horses deliver good ale to the pubs; vintage tractors cough into life; stationary engines turn over tirelessly and the commercial vehicles we used to know take to the road again.

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Sur la base de 39 Commentaires des clients
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Best British transport heritage mag

Best British transport heritage mag Révision 21 août 2022

Steamy Stuff

Great Read guys, I've been getting your magazine from day one and now I can carry all my latest copies round on my tablet which saves Doris having a go for filling the shed with even more stuff. Brilliant. Révision 24 novembre 2012

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