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Steam World Magazine June 2024 Retour à l'édition précédente

21 Critiques   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Rail)
Only €6,99
The “Golden Age” of British Railways wasn’t only about the incomparable network of steam services, the most complex and comprehensive anywhere in the world, but also the many service operations that were vital to keep the network running.
One of the most important, as it is today, is the Permanent Way Department although it was all done a lot differently then.
In the June issue of Steam World Malcolm Lobban tells of his career in the Permanent Way gangs – the camaraderie, everything done by hand and strong backs, the characters, brewing tea in a Tate and Lyle golden syrup tin and the exacting standards.
It’s a fascinating reminiscence and part of the rich history of British Rail steam.
Don’t miss out on this and plenty of other excellent features and many brilliant pictures in the June issue.
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Steam World

June 2024 The “Golden Age” of British Railways wasn’t only about the incomparable network of steam services, the most complex and comprehensive anywhere in the world, but also the many service operations that were vital to keep the network running. One of the most important, as it is today, is the Permanent Way Department although it was all done a lot differently then. In the June issue of Steam World Malcolm Lobban tells of his career in the Permanent Way gangs – the camaraderie, everything done by hand and strong backs, the characters, brewing tea in a Tate and Lyle golden syrup tin and the exacting standards. It’s a fascinating reminiscence and part of the rich history of British Rail steam. Don’t miss out on this and plenty of other excellent features and many brilliant pictures in the June issue.

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Issue Cover

Steam World  |  June 2024  

The “Golden Age” of British Railways wasn’t only about the incomparable network of steam services, the most complex and comprehensive anywhere in the world, but also the many service operations that were vital to keep the network running.
One of the most important, as it is today, is the Permanent Way Department although it was all done a lot differently then.
In the June issue of Steam World Malcolm Lobban tells of his career in the Permanent Way gangs – the camaraderie, everything done by hand and strong backs, the characters, brewing tea in a Tate and Lyle golden syrup tin and the exacting standards.
It’s a fascinating reminiscence and part of the rich history of British Rail steam.
Don’t miss out on this and plenty of other excellent features and many brilliant pictures in the June issue.
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Steam World is Britain's best selling historical railway magazine. Covering the magical times when steam railways were the lifeblood of the country. It features first-hand accounts from drivers, firemen, BR managers and enthusiasts alike. Featuring magnificent photography from the fifties and sixties, it will bring back wonderful memories coupled with inside information of what it was really like to work, travel and play on the world's best railway.

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Sur la base de 21 Commentaires des clients
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Steam World

So much nostalgia for me and brings back so many memories of my childhood spotting days! Best magazine of its type on the market - design, content and quality are first rate! Révision 16 octobre 2020

Articles dans ce numéro

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