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Tabletop Gaming Magazine The Best Games of 2020 Édition spéciale

83 Critiques   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Collecting)
Only €3,49

The Best Games of 2020 has landed, collecting together all of the best rated games from Tabletop Gaming Magazine from the last 12 months.

With over 200 games reviewed in this massive bumper issue, you’ll get the verdict on all of the best board games, miniatures games and roleplaying games of the year.

In 196 pages we take you through the hot gaming releases of 2020, including all of our Must-Play rated games. Explore games from titans of gaming, as well as indie games, solo games and family games.

Want to know what to play next? The Best Games of 2020 will help you fill gaps in your gaming collection.

215 reviews, including:

Tainted Grail
Alien: The Roleplaying Game
Marvel: Crisis Protocol
On Mars
Undaunted: North Africa
Forgotten Waters
Ride the Rails
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Tabletop Gaming Preview Pages Tabletop Gaming Preview Pages Tabletop Gaming Preview Pages Tabletop Gaming Preview Pages

Tabletop Gaming

The Best Games of 2020 IN THIS ISSUE The Best Games of 2020 has landed, collecting together all of the best rated games from Tabletop Gaming Magazine from the last 12 months. With over 200 games reviewed in this massive bumper issue, you’ll get the verdict on all of the best board games, miniatures games and roleplaying games of the year. In 196 pages we take you through the hot gaming releases of 2020, including all of our Must-Play rated games. Explore games from titans of gaming, as well as indie games, solo games and family games. Want to know what to play next? The Best Games of 2020 will help you fill gaps in your gaming collection. 215 reviews, including: Tainted Grail Alien: The Roleplaying Game Watergate Horrified Marvel: Crisis Protocol On Mars Oriflamme Undaunted: North Africa Forgotten Waters Ride the Rails Mariposas

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Issue Cover

Tabletop Gaming  |  The Best Games of 2020  


The Best Games of 2020 has landed, collecting together all of the best rated games from Tabletop Gaming Magazine from the last 12 months.

With over 200 games reviewed in this massive bumper issue, you’ll get the verdict on all of the best board games, miniatures games and roleplaying games of the year.

In 196 pages we take you through the hot gaming releases of 2020, including all of our Must-Play rated games. Explore games from titans of gaming, as well as indie games, solo games and family games.

Want to know what to play next? The Best Games of 2020 will help you fill gaps in your gaming collection.

215 reviews, including:

Tainted Grail
Alien: The Roleplaying Game
Marvel: Crisis Protocol
On Mars
Undaunted: North Africa
Forgotten Waters
Ride the Rails
en savoir plus lire moins
Tabletop Gaming is the UK’s no.1 magazine dedicated to board gaming, miniatures, RPGs, trading cards and card games. With tons of reviews of new releases each month you’ll never be in the dark about what you should play next. Immerse yourself in the world of tabletop gaming every single month with the latest news, previews and reviews, deep dives into how games are made and exclusive interviews with world famous designers. Enjoy Tabletop Gaming Magazine on the go when you subscribe with a digital subscription.

Extra digital content is available only with the digital edition including exclusive images, videos, podcasts and more! PLUS, with a specially designed mobile edition, wave goodbye to zooming and say hello to night reading mode, adjustable text size and accessing all things gaming at the touch of your fingertips.

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Sur la base de 83 Commentaires des clients
Voir les commentaires

Bright Reading

Really interesting for all types of games Révision 25 avril 2022

Tabletop Gaming Annual

Tabletop Gaming Annual lot of good tips and ideas. Révision 25 février 2021

Tabletop Gaming

Whilst the best games series are useful, they include a number of games that were rated as average or even poor. Révision 24 octobre 2020

Waste of 6$ - if you're here for painting tips.

Bought this for the Dungeon Depths terrain guide; the site makes it look like it'll be a step by step to really making these pop, but it turns out to be barely 4 pages of 3 or 4 progression images and barely a sentence of guide for each. Not only this, but there's barely a discussion of most of the terrain, getting the OSL shown on the main pic, or really anything else.

Gave it a 3 cuz it'd be unfair to give it a 1 since I only cared about the painting bits.
Révision 03 février 2020

Fantastic magazine

There are so few good tabletop gaming magazines being published today, which is strange, considering the resurgence in traditional gaming. Aside from the 3 popular miniature war gaming magazines, there's a serious lack of magazine style content for serious board gamers. So it was with much anticipation that I looked forward to the publication of Tabletop Gaming last year, which promised broad coverage of ALL types of tabletop games (board, card, minis games). It has not disappointed. Besides lavish visuals, the magazine offers dozens of quick-hitting game reviews, combined with some in-depth interviews of companies and game designers, and features on hot games. It's a fun read and highly recommended. I've just re-upped my subscription for another year. Keep up the good work guys! Révision 06 juin 2016

Articles dans ce numéro

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une sélection d'articles dans Tabletop Gaming The Best Games of 2020.

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