Commitment is good. It breeds expertise, improvement, knowledge, experience. But obsession? Perhaps that is not so healthy. In the world of cycling, it seems that everyone is obsessed - or presents themselves as being so. We own N+l bikes, and we ‘do’ cycling to level D+l. Riding is not enough - we need to be immersed in bikes, and bike culture, proclaiming our addiction to the world around us.
I don’t think all hobbies are quite so tolerated, or encouraged, as cycling. How keen would our families be to buy us T-shirts proclaiming ‘eat, sleep, stamp collecting, repeat’ (yes, that exists). Sit down in a small town bar and place your chess set on the counter and how many locals will come up to offer you advice on local points of interest? How many fishing themed cafes are there? Do runners receive gifts of recycled shoes turned into light fixtures and photo frames?
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