Ben was the first to go vegan and start exploring the benefits of being vegan. He always used to be a huge meat eater and thought that he couldn’t live a vegan life. Both of us love an active lifestyle, going to the gym and taking part in our own challenges. So Ben started to research the health benefits of being vegan and how it could help his body.
He read a lot of articles and did so much research. In turn he started to talk to me about it a lot and it got us both thinking. Ben gave it a trial over a couple of weeks and noticed a huge difference in terms of inflammation he had in his joints and muscles. He noticed he was able to run faster and train for longer, he was fuelling his body through the plant-based diet and noticing huge changes. He has been vegan for nearly a year now and it has been a fantastic change for him, including finding his favourite new recipes – black bean burritos and mushroom chilli.
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