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Railways of Britain Magazine

8 Comentários   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Rail)
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Railways of Britain

Issue 53 This is the umbrella title for a number of different sub-titles with diverse coverage; The BR Chronicle covers the almost 50-year reign of British Railways from 1948-1997, each issue featuring a half-decade of the country’s rail development across the years, supported with archive pictures from each year, stats, data and a splash of nostalgia to bring those memories flooding back; Scenic Railways of Britain explores the scenic splendour of rail routes that passengers can still travel today, from the Highlands of Scotland to the backwaters of Devon and Cornwall; Narrow Gauge Steam - and other railway curiosities, is a celebration of the narrow gauged railway that are often quirky and unusual - from the quarry railways or North Wales to Ireland’s once extensive 3ft gauge systems, from industrial sites around England to some of the best know narrow gauge networks around the globe - many long lost, some happily still with us today. Others short series have included Wheels of Industry, Locomotive Legends, On Shed and the A to Z of Railway Preservation. Authors include Alex Fisher, Andrew Neale, Pip Dunn and Paul Appleton.

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Issue Cover

Railways of Britain  |  Issue 53  

This is the umbrella title for a number of different sub-titles with diverse coverage; The BR Chronicle covers the almost 50-year reign of British Railways from 1948-1997, each issue featuring a half-decade of the country’s rail development across the years, supported with archive pictures from each year, stats, data and a splash of nostalgia to bring those memories flooding back; Scenic Railways of Britain explores the scenic splendour of rail routes that passengers can still travel today, from the Highlands of Scotland to the backwaters of Devon and Cornwall; Narrow Gauge Steam - and other railway curiosities, is a celebration of the narrow gauged railway that are often quirky and unusual - from the quarry railways or North Wales to Ireland’s once extensive 3ft gauge systems, from industrial sites around England to some of the best know narrow gauge networks around the globe - many long lost, some happily still with us today. Others short series have included Wheels of Industry, Locomotive Legends, On Shed and the A to Z of Railway Preservation. Authors include Alex Fisher, Andrew Neale, Pip Dunn and Paul Appleton.
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Com base em 8 Comentários de clientes
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Railways of Britain

I was wondering when Issues 5, 6, 8. are going to be online so it will complete the collection. Revisto 09 março 2020

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