This month the Pokémon Company international announced the latest set for the Pokémon TCG: Obsidian Flames. This is the third expansion in the Scarlet & Violet block and, following the tradition from the previous two blocks, will feature Charizard as the star Pokémon. The big change in Obsidian Flames is to be the introduction of type-shifted Tera Pokémon EX. These will be like most EX cards, except the Pokémon will have a different type than normal. Already announced are the Fire-type Charizard appearing as Darkness and the typically Fighting-type Tyranitar appearing as Lightning. The set has been announced with an August 11th release date, coincidentally the same day that the Pokémon TCG World Championships begins in Yokohama, Japan (no, the set will not be legal for the World Championships!)