The Fearless Flyer course includes a familiarisation flight in one of easyJet’s Airbus A320 Family aircraft.
There’s little doubt the commercial aviation scene has changed significantly over the last few decades. Once the domain of the social elite, for many of us it’s more akin to taking a bus. But as much as flying is now part of everyday life, for some the mere thought of stepping on board an aircraft is terrifying.
The fear of flying, or aerophobia, affects approximately one in six people, while a recent poll by Newsweek magazine suggested as many as 50% of the adults surveyed had been frightened at some point during a flight. Fear of flying often stems from a number of aspects, such as a fear of heights (acrophobia), of enclosed spaces (claustrophobia), of being out of control or of falling. For others, it’s simply the fear of the unknown.
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