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Aquila Magazine Make a powerful speech Retour à l'édition précédente

1 Critiques   •  English   •   Family & Home (Kids)
Only €2,49
When we think of powerful speeches, few come packed with more emotional punch than Mark Antony’s oration at Julius Caesar’s funeral. Caesar has been assassinated by his former friend, Brutus, and a gang of
co-conspirators, under the direction of Cassius. Having been told he could make a speech at Caesar’s funeral on the condition he didn’t badmouth the men behind the assassination, Mark Antony takes the opportunity to say what needed to be said about his friend, and stir the people up to revolt against Cassius at the same time. Sneaky.
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Make a powerful speech When we think of powerful speeches, few come packed with more emotional punch than Mark Antony’s oration at Julius Caesar’s funeral. Caesar has been assassinated by his former friend, Brutus, and a gang of co-conspirators, under the direction of Cassius. Having been told he could make a speech at Caesar’s funeral on the condition he didn’t badmouth the men behind the assassination, Mark Antony takes the opportunity to say what needed to be said about his friend, and stir the people up to revolt against Cassius at the same time. Sneaky.

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Created as a learning extension for children aged between 8 and 14 - Aquila is a superb teaching tool committed to making learning fun. Entertaining, eccentric and always surprising, Aquila aims to widen children’s interests and nurture critical thinking.

Encouraging the exploration of subjects that broaden horizons, each monthly instalment of Aquila focuses on a specific theme to add variety to your child's development. Full of fascinating features that are easily digestible, this monthly magazine has something for both you and your children to engage with in every issue. Wherever their interests lie, whatever you would like to get them into, and whenever you need a resource to keep your kids entertained and engaged - Aquila is always at hand to develop and delight.

With challenging yet rewarding puzzles, insightful and expert content, and vibrant illustrations frequenting your device every month - an Aquila digital magazine subscription is the perfect way to make screen time more beneficial.

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