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Country Walking Magazine Jun-23 Retour à l'édition précédente

8 Critiques   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Outdoors)
Only €6,99
Country Walking's June 2023 issue is a foodie's dream come true! Discover the best walks to work up an appetite, forage for free food, and explore the story of English cookery on foot. Plus, test hydration systems, walk among vines and cider orchards, and join Stuart Maconie on a 1000-mile journey. With 27 foodie walks in 23 counties, this issue is a must-read for any walking enthusiast.
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Country Walking

Jun-23 Country Walking's June 2023 issue is a foodie's dream come true! Discover the best walks to work up an appetite, forage for free food, and explore the story of English cookery on foot. Plus, test hydration systems, walk among vines and cider orchards, and join Stuart Maconie on a 1000-mile journey. With 27 foodie walks in 23 counties, this issue is a must-read for any walking enthusiast.

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Ce numéro et d'autres numéros antérieurs ne sont pas inclus dans un abonnement à l'UE. Country Walking abonnement. Les abonnements comprennent le dernier numéro régulier et les nouveaux numéros publiés pendant la durée de l'abonnement. €5,42 par numéro . Si vous souhaitez vous abonner, veuillez consulter notre rubrique Options d'abonnement
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Issue Cover

Country Walking  |  Jun-23  

Country Walking's June 2023 issue is a foodie's dream come true! Discover the best walks to work up an appetite, forage for free food, and explore the story of English cookery on foot. Plus, test hydration systems, walk among vines and cider orchards, and join Stuart Maconie on a 1000-mile journey. With 27 foodie walks in 23 counties, this issue is a must-read for any walking enthusiast.
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Igniting the interests of those who love to walk, Country Walking encourages ramblers, amblers, hikers, and wanderers to push themselves further when they embark on an exciting new outdoor adventure. Each inspirational issue of this digital magazine features equipment guides & tests and useful exercises & stretching techniques that will improve the stamina and performance of walkers every time a new issue is downloaded to their device.

Released monthly, Country Walking traverses through the fundamental basics right on through to advanced advice in a bid to cater to walkers of all ages, experience levels, and abilities. Packed full of trails to try in both the UK and abroad and featuring an in-depth look into what specific walks require from their hikers - Country Walking is the comprehensive guide to a lifestyle and activity that is beloved by so many across the globe.

Whether you want to bask in the majesty of mountains, lap up the picturesque setting of lakes, or find freedom whilst walking through fields - a Country Walking digital magazine subscription provides you with a compelling compass that will set you on your path each and every month. 

Reap the rewards of rambling - download the latest issue of Country Walking today!

Cherish the countryside and walk yourself towards a healthier way of living - with a Country Walking digital magazine subscription. Here’s what you can expect in each encouraging monthly issue:

  • Route guides
  • Walking itineraries
  • Product reviews and recommendations
  • Equipment testing
  • Stunning photography of the best routes
  • Helpful exercises and stretching advice designed to improve your walking experience
  • Reader stories
  • Delivered directly to your device every month

Vous recevrez 12 pendant une période de 1 an Country Walking abonnement au magazine.

Remarque : les éditions numériques ne comprennent pas les éléments de couverture ou les suppléments que vous trouveriez avec les copies imprimées.

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Great Walking Mag for UK Révision 21 août 2022

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It connects me to other walkers. Révision 22 juin 2020

Articles dans ce numéro

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