Janet Fielding, Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant help launch the Doctor’s US tour in May 1986.
In 1986, the most exciting development for American Doctor Who fans was first known as ‘The Doctor Who USA Tour’ and later ‘The Doctor Who Celebration and Tour’. It featured a custom-made 18-wheeler trailer, making its way across the country from May 1986 through to early 1988, bringing an amazing opportunity for American fans to see props and meet actors from the show. The idea of the travelling exhibition was first hinted in the March 1983 issue of Doctor Who Magazine: ‘At the moment talks are in progress and [the BBC’s US distribution arm] Lionheart are considering certain proposals to stage a display in America, possibly a travelling exhibition.’ Three years later, the announcement finally came.
As described in the April-June 1986 issue of fanzine The Unpaid Scientific Advisor, the exhibit ‘is housed in a 48-foot trailer unit with TARDIS mockups at both entrance and exit doors, and features sound-and-light shows, the original (Mk I) K9, Daleks, Sea Devils, a number of costumes for both good guys and bad, props, a console room set, and more. In addition, Bessie herselfa rides along with the exhibit.’ (Bessie, of course, being the yellow Edwardian roadster favoured by the Doctor from the early days of his third incarnation.)
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