It all seems like a good idea going off-roading, doesn’t it? Well, that is until you get there, and realise you have absolutely bugger all in the way off proper skills – besides a whiskey throttle-happy hand and a tendency to not worry about lobbing it. This meant that when picking my weapon of choice, I had to think strategy. It’s a race, right? Well, I needed something fast. It’s on a beach, so apparently the trick is to have something light. And well, I’ve never really done much on two-dingers, so it has to be a four-stroke… so what can I get that’s easy to ride, have a lower seat height than the rest, and be lighter than what the other two are bringing to the table? Enter, the KTM 250 SX-F.
Yeah, the other two have gone down the Enduro route, but I think I’ve gone one up here; the SX-F is a proper crosser, so not only should mine feel a touch lighter, but also it’s got a proper bit of punch. It’s equipped with Traction Control and alternate engine maps as standard, and it even comes with an absolute godsend – electric start. Surely, it’s the perfect tool for the job?
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