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To add your own name to the petition, please visit change.org.

Dear Dr Colm Henry,

As members of the LGBTQ+ community, we are concerned about the continued closure of the Gay Men’s Health Service (GMHS). The GMHS is the only statutory public health service for gay, bisexual and men who have sex with men (gbMSM) and the trans community. Since its establishment 28 years ago, the clinic has provided a range of essential health services including:

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In This Issue
From The Team
Welcome, dear reader, to, believe it or not - our December issue.
NXF: Solidarity Through It All
As we hugged, danced, laughed and cried our way through this year’s GALAs awards.
Ten years of a listening ear and a compassionate response
Every time the phone rings, you wonder who is going
A New Journey
In July 2020, the Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI), welcomed Éirénne Carroll as their new CEO. Sarah McKenna Barry caught up with Éirénne to discuss acceptance, inclusion and the steps we need to take to establish Ireland as a world leader in trans equality. Portrait by Hazel Coonagh
Family Ties
Pregnancy, birth and becoming a parent can be a challenging process. Add being LGBTQ+ and COVID-19 to the mix and it becomes even more complicated. Ranae von Meding caught up with new parents to see how they’ve been affected. All photos provided by the families
Home Away From Home?
Throughout the year, Pradeep Mahadeshwar has interviewed LGBTQ+ members of the Asian community who have made a new home in Ireland. Pradeep spoke to each person about their experiences in a new country and if they have felt welcomed into the queer community. Pradeep’s portrait is courtesy of Stephen Moloney\masc.life
Get on Your Bike and Run with Triathlon Ireland
Sporting Pride are delighted to partner with Triathlon Ireland to
Stephen Moloney takes an in-depth look at how the far-right are weaponising the current pandemic and how online hate speech is spilling over into real life
My Queer Utopia
Queer Utopia is an exciting, ongoing collaborative project from GCN
Sanctuary in Solitude
When activist Bulelani Mfaco partnered with photographer Brian Teeling to create a stunning series of portraits for GCN, the experience would hit deeper than expected. A spokesperson for MASI (Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland), Bulelani revisited his own arrival in Ireland and the long lasting impact of those days
GCN New Voices
During the month of November, we partnered with the inspiring BeLonG To Youth Services to platform the thoughts and opinions of some amazing young LGBTQ+ writers from across the country. Artist Neave Alouf created beautiful bespoke artworks, illustrating each article and giving the series its own visual identity
Community News
Outhouse is a community and resource centre owned by and
Our Solidarity is in our Visibility
With the emergence of fringe Twitter accounts purporting to represent Irish lesbian, gay and bisexual interests while maligning our trans siblings, Managing Editor of GCN, Lisa Connell explains why an inclusive LGBTQ+ community is more vital than ever
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