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Gress Magazine December 2023 Retour à l'édition précédente

0 Critiques   •  English   •   Men's Interest (Lifestyle)
Only €3,49
The COVID-19 Storm Must Pass

Be vigilant and alert are two words that are in everyone's head. COVID-19 is still haunting everyone. No place is considered able to hide from the reach of the virus that first broke out in Wuhan, China.

Because there is no vaccine that can minimize COVID-19, people must maintain their health and fitness. COVID-19, which is included in the flu virus category, is believed to be counteracted with a variety of good vitamins, such as vitamins C and D. The need for these two vitamins comes from outside the human body. Like vitamin C which generally comes from fruits. Then vitamin D turns out to be very abundant from morning sunlight.

So it is not surprising that then basking in the morning sun is highly recommended during this COVID-19 pandemic. Not to forget, then many people are looking at local policies in the form of drinks made from spices. By consuming it regularly the immune system in the body will be well developed.

Don't forget to keep your body clean, such as taking a shower after doing activities outside. Then wash your hands with soap when in contact with objects touched by many people. Disinfect the home environment and inside the house. Equally important is to keep your mind calm and don't stress.

In the midst of this COVID-19 storm, you should stay at home and limit any mobility that might make you infected. Boring? It doesn't seem to be boring when you flip through the pages of this magazine. This time there are three angels to keep you company at home, Keysa, Ghaniya and Princess Anissa.

They show their best ability to flex their bodies in front of the camera. The result is images that can provoke your naughty visualizations without limits. To kill boredom during DiRumahAja, download our previous editions. You will find yourself never bored at home again.

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Gress Magazine

December 2023 The COVID-19 Storm Must Pass Be vigilant and alert are two words that are in everyone's head. COVID-19 is still haunting everyone. No place is considered able to hide from the reach of the virus that first broke out in Wuhan, China. Because there is no vaccine that can minimize COVID-19, people must maintain their health and fitness. COVID-19, which is included in the flu virus category, is believed to be counteracted with a variety of good vitamins, such as vitamins C and D. The need for these two vitamins comes from outside the human body. Like vitamin C which generally comes from fruits. Then vitamin D turns out to be very abundant from morning sunlight. So it is not surprising that then basking in the morning sun is highly recommended during this COVID-19 pandemic. Not to forget, then many people are looking at local policies in the form of drinks made from spices. By consuming it regularly the immune system in the body will be well developed. Don't forget to keep your body clean, such as taking a shower after doing activities outside. Then wash your hands with soap when in contact with objects touched by many people. Disinfect the home environment and inside the house. Equally important is to keep your mind calm and don't stress. In the midst of this COVID-19 storm, you should stay at home and limit any mobility that might make you infected. Boring? It doesn't seem to be boring when you flip through the pages of this magazine. This time there are three angels to keep you company at home, Keysa, Ghaniya and Princess Anissa. They show their best ability to flex their bodies in front of the camera. The result is images that can provoke your naughty visualizations without limits. To kill boredom during DiRumahAja, download our previous editions. You will find yourself never bored at home again. Enjoy!

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Issue Cover

Gress Magazine  |  December 2023  

The COVID-19 Storm Must Pass

Be vigilant and alert are two words that are in everyone's head. COVID-19 is still haunting everyone. No place is considered able to hide from the reach of the virus that first broke out in Wuhan, China.

Because there is no vaccine that can minimize COVID-19, people must maintain their health and fitness. COVID-19, which is included in the flu virus category, is believed to be counteracted with a variety of good vitamins, such as vitamins C and D. The need for these two vitamins comes from outside the human body. Like vitamin C which generally comes from fruits. Then vitamin D turns out to be very abundant from morning sunlight.

So it is not surprising that then basking in the morning sun is highly recommended during this COVID-19 pandemic. Not to forget, then many people are looking at local policies in the form of drinks made from spices. By consuming it regularly the immune system in the body will be well developed.

Don't forget to keep your body clean, such as taking a shower after doing activities outside. Then wash your hands with soap when in contact with objects touched by many people. Disinfect the home environment and inside the house. Equally important is to keep your mind calm and don't stress.

In the midst of this COVID-19 storm, you should stay at home and limit any mobility that might make you infected. Boring? It doesn't seem to be boring when you flip through the pages of this magazine. This time there are three angels to keep you company at home, Keysa, Ghaniya and Princess Anissa.

They show their best ability to flex their bodies in front of the camera. The result is images that can provoke your naughty visualizations without limits. To kill boredom during DiRumahAja, download our previous editions. You will find yourself never bored at home again.

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Adult men's magazine
*This is an Indonesia language title

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