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HomeGrown Magazine Issue 7 Retour à l'édition précédente

0 Critiques   •  English   •   Family & Home (Gardening)
Only €4,99
Home Grown - Easy Sustainable Living Magazine
Home Grown is a journey back to the past where life was less
complicated. Where we grew our own vegetables and herbs, had chickens in
the backyard and our neighbours over the fence to have a yarn.
Home Grown magazine's objective is to take the reader on a journey of
healthy living and lifestyle, from the garden to the table.
In every issue we try to nurture our readers’ knowledge of the
fundamentals of creating, growing, making and providing greener and
healthier options in all facets of their lives.
Our aim is to do our bit to halt today’s throwaway mentality, and to
encourage recycling and re-using, which ultimately reduces our wastage
and lowers the cost of everyday living.
Each issue we’ll bring you hints and tips for not only growing but also
preserving your own produce and show you practical and easy ways to
reduce your bills and move more towards a sustainable lifestyle.
Regular articles include: profiling an organic grower or producer as
well as a local community garden; power and water saving tips, seasonal
fruit, vegies and herbs; preserving your produce; a local grower’s
market; easy recipes from your seasonal produce; organic growing hints
and tips; DIY from recycled articles.
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Issue 7 Home Grown - Easy Sustainable Living Magazine Home Grown is a journey back to the past where life was less complicated. Where we grew our own vegetables and herbs, had chickens in the backyard and our neighbours over the fence to have a yarn. Home Grown magazine's objective is to take the reader on a journey of healthy living and lifestyle, from the garden to the table. In every issue we try to nurture our readers’ knowledge of the fundamentals of creating, growing, making and providing greener and healthier options in all facets of their lives. Our aim is to do our bit to halt today’s throwaway mentality, and to encourage recycling and re-using, which ultimately reduces our wastage and lowers the cost of everyday living. Each issue we’ll bring you hints and tips for not only growing but also preserving your own produce and show you practical and easy ways to reduce your bills and move more towards a sustainable lifestyle. Regular articles include: profiling an organic grower or producer as well as a local community garden; power and water saving tips, seasonal fruit, vegies and herbs; preserving your produce; a local grower’s market; easy recipes from your seasonal produce; organic growing hints and tips; DIY from recycled articles.

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HomeGrown issue Issue 7

HomeGrown  |  Issue 7  

Home Grown - Easy Sustainable Living Magazine
Home Grown is a journey back to the past where life was less
complicated. Where we grew our own vegetables and herbs, had chickens in
the backyard and our neighbours over the fence to have a yarn.
Home Grown magazine's objective is to take the reader on a journey of
healthy living and lifestyle, from the garden to the table.
In every issue we try to nurture our readers’ knowledge of the
fundamentals of creating, growing, making and providing greener and
healthier options in all facets of their lives.
Our aim is to do our bit to halt today’s throwaway mentality, and to
encourage recycling and re-using, which ultimately reduces our wastage
and lowers the cost of everyday living.
Each issue we’ll bring you hints and tips for not only growing but also
preserving your own produce and show you practical and easy ways to
reduce your bills and move more towards a sustainable lifestyle.
Regular articles include: profiling an organic grower or producer as
well as a local community garden; power and water saving tips, seasonal
fruit, vegies and herbs; preserving your produce; a local grower’s
market; easy recipes from your seasonal produce; organic growing hints
and tips; DIY from recycled articles.
en savoir plus lire moins
Home Grown - Easy Sustainable Living Magazine Home Grown is a journey back to the past where life was less complicated. Where we grew our own vegetables and herbs, had chickens in the backyard and our neighbours over the fence to have a yarn. Home Grown magazine's objective is to take the reader on a journey of healthy living and lifestyle, from the garden to the table. In every issue we try to nurture our readers’ knowledge of the fundamentals of creating, growing, making and providing greener and healthier options in all facets of their lives. Our aim is to do our bit to halt today’s throwaway mentality, and to encourage recycling and re-using, which ultimately reduces our wastage and lowers the cost of everyday living. Each issue we’ll bring you hints and tips for not only growing but also preserving your own produce and show you practical and easy ways to reduce your bills and move more towards a sustainable lifestyle. Regular articles include: profiling an organic grower or producer as well as a local community garden; power and water saving tips, seasonal fruit, vegies and herbs; preserving your produce; a local grower’s market; easy recipes from your seasonal produce; organic growing hints and tips; DIY from recycled articles

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Articles dans ce numéro

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12 issue 12 12 Acheter pour €4,99 Voir | Ajouter au panier
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