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Knit Now Magazine Issue 93 Retour à l'édition précédente

41 Critiques   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Sewing & Knitting)
Only €7,99
Can you hear that? It’s the sound of knitters all over the UK pulling their WIPs (works in progress) out of hibernation because autumn is here, which means that Christmas, and all the fun of festive knitting, is just around the corner. We’re easing ourselves into the spirit gently this month with our tasteful take on the Christmas jumper, Sandra Nesbitt’s Floral Cardigan (page 14).

Elsewhere in the issue, we’re taking our inspiration from woodland walks. The theme was chosen by Claire Slade, whose Spriggan cardigan (page 36) takes inspiration from ancient trees and woodland streams for its cable pattern. Whoever you’re knitting for, you’re sure to find something to suit in this collection. The hat I’m wearing (page 46) is a firm favourite for me, but I also love the simplicity of the Fairbanks scarf (page 41) and someone in my family may well be receiving a Ric Rac cushion (page 90) as a gift this year.

Not ready to pick up your needles just yet? Grab a cup of tea and have a good read first. We’ve got the inside scoop on running a yarn shop from someone who’s tried it herself (page 54) and we visited a shop in Exeter to get the lowdown on the best autumn yarn (page 84). I hope you enjoy this issue!

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Knit Now

Issue 93 Can you hear that? It’s the sound of knitters all over the UK pulling their WIPs (works in progress) out of hibernation because autumn is here, which means that Christmas, and all the fun of festive knitting, is just around the corner. We’re easing ourselves into the spirit gently this month with our tasteful take on the Christmas jumper, Sandra Nesbitt’s Floral Cardigan (page 14). Elsewhere in the issue, we’re taking our inspiration from woodland walks. The theme was chosen by Claire Slade, whose Spriggan cardigan (page 36) takes inspiration from ancient trees and woodland streams for its cable pattern. Whoever you’re knitting for, you’re sure to find something to suit in this collection. The hat I’m wearing (page 46) is a firm favourite for me, but I also love the simplicity of the Fairbanks scarf (page 41) and someone in my family may well be receiving a Ric Rac cushion (page 90) as a gift this year. Not ready to pick up your needles just yet? Grab a cup of tea and have a good read first. We’ve got the inside scoop on running a yarn shop from someone who’s tried it herself (page 54) and we visited a shop in Exeter to get the lowdown on the best autumn yarn (page 84). I hope you enjoy this issue!

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Issue Cover

Knit Now  |  Issue 93  

Can you hear that? It’s the sound of knitters all over the UK pulling their WIPs (works in progress) out of hibernation because autumn is here, which means that Christmas, and all the fun of festive knitting, is just around the corner. We’re easing ourselves into the spirit gently this month with our tasteful take on the Christmas jumper, Sandra Nesbitt’s Floral Cardigan (page 14).

Elsewhere in the issue, we’re taking our inspiration from woodland walks. The theme was chosen by Claire Slade, whose Spriggan cardigan (page 36) takes inspiration from ancient trees and woodland streams for its cable pattern. Whoever you’re knitting for, you’re sure to find something to suit in this collection. The hat I’m wearing (page 46) is a firm favourite for me, but I also love the simplicity of the Fairbanks scarf (page 41) and someone in my family may well be receiving a Ric Rac cushion (page 90) as a gift this year.

Not ready to pick up your needles just yet? Grab a cup of tea and have a good read first. We’ve got the inside scoop on running a yarn shop from someone who’s tried it herself (page 54) and we visited a shop in Exeter to get the lowdown on the best autumn yarn (page 84). I hope you enjoy this issue!

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Sur la base de 41 Commentaires des clients
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Knit Now

Really enjoyed this issue. Révision 25 février 2021

Knit Now

One of the best knitting magazines in UK Révision 30 janvier 2021

Articles dans ce numéro

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