Breaking away from their established colour-coded nomenclature, Baroness carved out a seminal moment with their sixth studio offering, Stone. Its name signalled more than simply evolution, but a decisive intent. While listeners found an ineffable homage to the lavish textures of 2019’s Gold &Grey, Stone daringly charted new landscapes, melding sludge, prog and the undeniable swagger of late-70 classic rock. Tracks like Last Word and Shine thundered with driving riffs, while Under The Wheel teased brooding post-hardcore menace. Frontman John Baizley’s dynamic vocal range, paired with Gina Gleason’s lush harmonies, offered a riveting contrast, bridging potent metal anthems and spectral acoustic ballads. More than a mere throwback, Stone boldly reaffirmed Baroness’s commitment to innovation, and critics responded with high praise and horns raised high.