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New Stitches Magazine Issue 253 Retour à l'édition précédente

5 Critiques   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Sewing & Knitting)
Get a spring in your step with this marvellous selection of inspirational designs from Mary Hickmott. We are very excited about this month's Masterclass which reveal an intriguing, yet simple means of working Hardanger on a smaller scale on traditional 22 count fabric. Everyone loves an historic sampler and you can create your own featuring classic sampler patterns which follow the theme of fruit and of course includes an Adam and Eve motif! A shimmering goldfish is presented in both beadloom and cross stitch forms both of which glisten with glass beads and metallic thread. Create a set of blue and white coasters with garlands of flowers to look wonderful in your kitchen or living room. Plus, look out for some versatile cat silhouettes and a procession of farmyard tractors!
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New Stitches

Issue 253 Get a spring in your step with this marvellous selection of inspirational designs from Mary Hickmott. We are very excited about this month's Masterclass which reveal an intriguing, yet simple means of working Hardanger on a smaller scale on traditional 22 count fabric. Everyone loves an historic sampler and you can create your own featuring classic sampler patterns which follow the theme of fruit and of course includes an Adam and Eve motif! A shimmering goldfish is presented in both beadloom and cross stitch forms both of which glisten with glass beads and metallic thread. Create a set of blue and white coasters with garlands of flowers to look wonderful in your kitchen or living room. Plus, look out for some versatile cat silhouettes and a procession of farmyard tractors!

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Sur la base de 5 Commentaires des clients
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New Stitches was a lovely embroidery magazine with a wide range of techniques. The instructions were always clear and easy to understand and I liked how methods or styles were played with you show you examples. Sadly the magazine is no longer published and you can tell it was struggling in the final few issues (no stitched models, just computer generated ones, urgh!).

I'd highly recommend it for anyone who wants to play around with embroidery techniques.
Révision 05 novembre 2015
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