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Old Bike Mart Magazine September 2013 Retour à l'édition précédente

54 Critiques   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Motorcycles)
Only €2,49
ometimes the oddest things provide the catalyst to spring into action and turn piles of bits into working motorcycles... or at least launch the project. For instance, 2013 has been largely intense for me, for reasons outside motorcycling, and things in The Basement have been neglected a bit. Like everyone, I’ve always got something in there that could do with fettling a wee bit, always something that is in need of attention or a full scale rebuild but it’s been sealing wax and string this year.
However, the new lad on CBG pitched up next to my desk with a B31 bottom end; he was going to see if he could assemble a complete B31 by trawling through autojumbles etc. Any amount of people have done this over the years but is it still possible? At least with a BSA B31 there’s the advantage that loads of the things have been made over the model lifespan and I suppose if you’re not an originality fetishist a lot of parts are interchangeable too.
However, this set me thinking that I should do something with the parts in my workshop. There’s quite a mix of stuff there – as I’ve a Triumph, there are plenty of parts kicking around, including enough ‘C’ range unit bits to make a bike feasible. The BSA B40 has largely resisted temptation to reproduce... a bit like the giant Panda species, though I did notice a pair of BSA forks peeking out of the stuff on the top shelf... influence from a certain Bultaco world trials champ has inspired me to acquire a spare frame that can be modded to a slightly better spec than the standard one and of course there are the Can-Am bits.
Having built the Can-Am we offered as a prize in Classic Dirt Bike and being mightily impressed with it, I was offered the bones of another. I kicked it around the workshop for ages, doing this and that to it but nothing major. Then once CBG boy stated his intent, I had the
Can-Am engine off to the specialist in short order...
Looks like my nights will be taken up from now on. Tim
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Old Bike Mart

September 2013 ometimes the oddest things provide the catalyst to spring into action and turn piles of bits into working motorcycles... or at least launch the project. For instance, 2013 has been largely intense for me, for reasons outside motorcycling, and things in The Basement have been neglected a bit. Like everyone, I’ve always got something in there that could do with fettling a wee bit, always something that is in need of attention or a full scale rebuild but it’s been sealing wax and string this year. However, the new lad on CBG pitched up next to my desk with a B31 bottom end; he was going to see if he could assemble a complete B31 by trawling through autojumbles etc. Any amount of people have done this over the years but is it still possible? At least with a BSA B31 there’s the advantage that loads of the things have been made over the model lifespan and I suppose if you’re not an originality fetishist a lot of parts are interchangeable too. However, this set me thinking that I should do something with the parts in my workshop. There’s quite a mix of stuff there – as I’ve a Triumph, there are plenty of parts kicking around, including enough ‘C’ range unit bits to make a bike feasible. The BSA B40 has largely resisted temptation to reproduce... a bit like the giant Panda species, though I did notice a pair of BSA forks peeking out of the stuff on the top shelf... influence from a certain Bultaco world trials champ has inspired me to acquire a spare frame that can be modded to a slightly better spec than the standard one and of course there are the Can-Am bits. Having built the Can-Am we offered as a prize in Classic Dirt Bike and being mightily impressed with it, I was offered the bones of another. I kicked it around the workshop for ages, doing this and that to it but nothing major. Then once CBG boy stated his intent, I had the Can-Am engine off to the specialist in short order... Looks like my nights will be taken up from now on. Tim

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Issue Cover

Old Bike Mart  |  September 2013  

ometimes the oddest things provide the catalyst to spring into action and turn piles of bits into working motorcycles... or at least launch the project. For instance, 2013 has been largely intense for me, for reasons outside motorcycling, and things in The Basement have been neglected a bit. Like everyone, I’ve always got something in there that could do with fettling a wee bit, always something that is in need of attention or a full scale rebuild but it’s been sealing wax and string this year.
However, the new lad on CBG pitched up next to my desk with a B31 bottom end; he was going to see if he could assemble a complete B31 by trawling through autojumbles etc. Any amount of people have done this over the years but is it still possible? At least with a BSA B31 there’s the advantage that loads of the things have been made over the model lifespan and I suppose if you’re not an originality fetishist a lot of parts are interchangeable too.
However, this set me thinking that I should do something with the parts in my workshop. There’s quite a mix of stuff there – as I’ve a Triumph, there are plenty of parts kicking around, including enough ‘C’ range unit bits to make a bike feasible. The BSA B40 has largely resisted temptation to reproduce... a bit like the giant Panda species, though I did notice a pair of BSA forks peeking out of the stuff on the top shelf... influence from a certain Bultaco world trials champ has inspired me to acquire a spare frame that can be modded to a slightly better spec than the standard one and of course there are the Can-Am bits.
Having built the Can-Am we offered as a prize in Classic Dirt Bike and being mightily impressed with it, I was offered the bones of another. I kicked it around the workshop for ages, doing this and that to it but nothing major. Then once CBG boy stated his intent, I had the
Can-Am engine off to the specialist in short order...
Looks like my nights will be taken up from now on. Tim
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Now available in digital format, Old Bike Mart offers the UK’s largest selection of classic motorcycle classifieds. It features the latest news, reports from the racetrack, part and tool reviews and ‘how to’ guides. Newly discovered historic machines are revealed in all their unrestored glory and there’s a nostalgic look back through the annals of motorcycling history. There are also dealer and workshop profiles where the experts behind some of the UK’s finest restorations give a behind-the-scenes insight into how the magic happens. Readers’ rides are examined, buyers’ guides show you what to look for and there are hundreds of ads to browse.

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Sur la base de 54 Commentaires des clients
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Old Bike Mart

Good mix of articles and supplier info. Révision 05 avril 2020

Old Bike Mart

Old Bike Mart - great for buying and selling old bikes, includes some decent articles. Digital version available here. Révision 07 juillet 2019

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