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Photoshop Lightroom The Complete Manual Dossiers 

Want to expand and continue to expand your photo-editing knowledge base? This is the perfect series of publications for you, the smart-thinking photographer and photo-editor. Ensure that you continue to learn how to improve and keep improving both your photography and photo editing skills! Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is a must-have program for photographers both amateur and professional. It’s vast range of features and added extras are head and shoulders above the competition; but despite its expansive image editing capabilities, it’s still a friendly and easy to use program. There’s so much here to sink your teeth into each and every issue!

Parcourez notre gamme de Photoshop Lightroom The Complete Manual numéros numériques ci-dessous, disponibles en lecture instantanée. Par ailleurs, si vous souhaitez vous abonner, consultez notre site web Options d'abonnement