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Prairies North Magazine Winter 1999 Retour à l'édition précédente

8 Critiques   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Only €6,99
Architecture: Foundations of Learning -- New communities of settlers in the early 1900s worked hard for the one-room schoolhouse that secured a town's place on the map. The 5,000 schools that were ultimately built in Saskatchewan, though often unused now, remain a touchstone for memories of a different time; Geology: The Hills That Shouldn't Exist -- The Cypress Hills tower over south western Saskatchewan as the highest point between the Rockie Mountains and Labrador. Geologists consider the hills an abnormality, a bounty of spectacular scenery and wildlife that should be as flat as the prairie around them; In the Sky: The Dog Days of Winter -- Brilliant winter sun and icy skies make a spectacular cold weather rainbow; Art and Artisans: As the Wood Turns -- Saskatoon woodturners step into international fame by taking a time-honored craft into the world of art; Wildlife: Viridis Viridis, Wherefore Art Thou? -- Searching for the rattlesnake in Grasslands National Park requires equal measures of caution and patience. The rattler simply doesn't want to be found.
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Prairies North Magazine

Winter 1999 Architecture: Foundations of Learning -- New communities of settlers in the early 1900s worked hard for the one-room schoolhouse that secured a town's place on the map. The 5,000 schools that were ultimately built in Saskatchewan, though often unused now, remain a touchstone for memories of a different time; Geology: The Hills That Shouldn't Exist -- The Cypress Hills tower over south western Saskatchewan as the highest point between the Rockie Mountains and Labrador. Geologists consider the hills an abnormality, a bounty of spectacular scenery and wildlife that should be as flat as the prairie around them; In the Sky: The Dog Days of Winter -- Brilliant winter sun and icy skies make a spectacular cold weather rainbow; Art and Artisans: As the Wood Turns -- Saskatoon woodturners step into international fame by taking a time-honored craft into the world of art; Wildlife: Viridis Viridis, Wherefore Art Thou? -- Searching for the rattlesnake in Grasslands National Park requires equal measures of caution and patience. The rattler simply doesn't want to be found.

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Prairies North Magazine issue Winter 1999

Prairies North Magazine  |  Winter 1999  

Architecture: Foundations of Learning -- New communities of settlers in the early 1900s worked hard for the one-room schoolhouse that secured a town's place on the map. The 5,000 schools that were ultimately built in Saskatchewan, though often unused now, remain a touchstone for memories of a different time; Geology: The Hills That Shouldn't Exist -- The Cypress Hills tower over south western Saskatchewan as the highest point between the Rockie Mountains and Labrador. Geologists consider the hills an abnormality, a bounty of spectacular scenery and wildlife that should be as flat as the prairie around them; In the Sky: The Dog Days of Winter -- Brilliant winter sun and icy skies make a spectacular cold weather rainbow; Art and Artisans: As the Wood Turns -- Saskatoon woodturners step into international fame by taking a time-honored craft into the world of art; Wildlife: Viridis Viridis, Wherefore Art Thou? -- Searching for the rattlesnake in Grasslands National Park requires equal measures of caution and patience. The rattler simply doesn't want to be found.
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Let Saskatchewan's own award-winning geographic magazine introduce you to the region's people and places with stunning photography and engaging stories. Whether you are from here or away, Prairies North will take you on a surprising voyage through the beautiful province that many are proud to call home.
In addition to treating your eyes to beautiful images of the prairie, you will learn about our history, marvel at our abundant wildlife, meet our hospitable people, and gather ideas for your own journey in our safe, friendly, and fun province. Use Prairies North to plan a tour and discover for yourself why this is a region not to be missed.

Each quarterly issue is published with the seasons to take you through a full year of adventure.

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Sur la base de 8 Commentaires des clients
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Prairies North review

Loved this mag when I was based in Canada and loved exploring the Canadian Prairies. Révision 26 octobre 2018

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