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Top of the pots

real nutrition


Yogurt goes way back when. In fact, as long ago as the 4th century BC, when Hippocrates, dubbed the father of medicine, proclaimed it to be one of the best foods to promote health and longevity. And, indeed, we have been lapping it up ever since.

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No. 142 Be who you're meant to be

Autres articles dans ce numéro

Meet three of the people who have taken part in the creation of this issue of Psychologies
Rewrite your story
This month, we invite you to redraft your life script.
Let us know what you think of the magazine and, each month, we’ll publish the best letters
I’d like to thank…
Being an A&E doctor is often exhausting, emotionally
The Fix
“The very things that held you down are going to lift
‘‘Time to declutter’’
What I wouldn’t give for a little more space – in my wardrobe and my mind – but, if I want more of it, I’m going to have to let go of some things. As a would be hoarder, I’ve always found that difficult, says Harriet Minter
In partnership with NOW Live Events, we’re offering three inspiring workshops, plus a new retreat. In June, discover how singing in a choir will change your life. In July, join Psychologies Editor, Suzy Greaves, to learn how to make a big leap with conviction, and author and literary agent, Jacq Burns, to review your life script and write a new chapter!
Tricks of the trade
Award-winning novelist, Lucy Atkins, shares some style basics, from digging deeper into characters’ feelings and voices, to keeping things simple
The words
They say opposites attract, and isn’t it a beautiful contradiction that the act of curling up with a book (or indeed sitting down to write your own), although restful in practice, can often be a source of internal energy for the mind and soul?
Transform your life with yoga
Are you a blamer or a ‘blamee’? Could you change your
Find out where to buy the products featured in this month’s issue
This month, Vanessa King of Action for Happiness and author of 10 Keys To Happier Living, recommends The Positive Power Of Negative Emotions by Tim Lomas
HOW TO… Have better sex
Martha Roberts speaks to sex experts, Mike Lousada and Louise Mazanti, about how to enhance our erotic encounters
Get time on your side
Oliver Burkeman tells us how making every second count can have a big impact on what you get done in a day
“I’m drawn to playing women who make their mark on the world”
Two-time Oscar nominee, Jessica Chastain, talks about hope, humility and kindness, and her new film The Zookeeper’s Wife
An adventure every day…
You don’t need to be wealthy, or take a sabbatical, to go on an amazing adventure. Morwhenna Woolcock explains how she has found time to fit adventures around her daily life, and shares three ideas that anyone can try
Stop dithering, start doing
Bestselling author and entrepreneur, Sháá Wasmund MBE, explains why you need to stop procrastinating and just get started – today
Gina Miller
Philanthropist and active campaigner for transparency in politics, Gina Miller first grabbed our attention after bringing a case against the government over Brexit
Rewrite your career story
Do you dream of taking on a completely different role, but feel too afraid to act? Psychologies Managing Editor, Danielle Woodward, explains how she convinced first herself, and then her boss, that she could do it
“I need to make my business work”
Our award- winning coach, Kim Morgan, gives advice on how to take the leap from employment to self-employment and make it work
“Every object in my home tells a story”
Hand-painted signs, vintage furniture and offbeat collections surround Sarah Kingston in her coastal home
Neal’s Yard Remedies are true pioneers in natural,
Love yourself
Psychologies Editor, Suzy Greaves, learns the art of authentic connection, and that it is the gateway to freedom and happiness, from a world-renowned teacher
Tailor-made therapy
Our new psychotherapy service helps you match up with your ideal therapist to support you through life’s ups and downs, and teach you to be your best self
A bit of what you fancy
Ever wondered why your resolve to have ‘just the one’ glass of wine or chocolate biscuit never seems to hold? Heidi Scrimgeour shares her quest to learn the secrets of moderation
“I am scared no one will ever choose me”
Our agony aunt, Mary Fenwick, offers a new perspective on whatever is troubling you
Have you ever considered that you may have a ‘shadow
We all have a shadow self – a side of ourselves that we may not even be aware of – which can make decisions that don’t always serve us well. But, asks Anita Chaudhuri, could getting to know our shadows, and even embracing all that they have to offer us, be the key to a successful, happy life?
When her shadow overwhelms her with self-sabotaging thoughts, or begins to question what she knows is right, Caroline Buchanan gets out her metaphorical trowel and tends to some emotional gardening. Could it be the perfect analogy for a happier mind?
Three women talk about how acknowledging all aspects of their personality and confronting their shadow selves helped them heal
Are there steps we can take to find out who we truly are and learn to understand ourselves better? Psychologist, Tasha Eurich, says yes…
If you’ve ever felt like there are two sides to you, or that you sabotage your own success, you’ve come across your shadow self. Here’s how to identify your personal shadow, and ensure it works for, and not against, you
The plan
Every month, the #360me team will be sharing our baby-steps approach to leading a healthier, happier life – expert-endorsed and real-life approved.
Q How can I prevent prickly heat?
Make sure the summer heat doesn’t ruin your holiday, with The Organic Pharmacy co-founder, Margo Marrone’s holistic tips
Raise me up
Eminé Rushton presents her pick of products that enhance and uplift
Joanna Jensen
The founder of Childs Farm shares how her own experience as a mother inspired her to start a natural toiletries brand for children
Happy mind, happy body
Emotional eating can sabotage a healthy lifestyle, but we have the ability to choose health and happiness, says Ali Roff
Are you body wise?
In her landmark new book, BodyWise, introduced by our Wellness Director, Eminé Rushton, physician Rachel Carlton Abrams invites us to take a radical new approach to health by balancing traditional and integrative medicine with something no laboratory can replicate, nor doctor prescribe – our intuition
Q How can I boost my fertility?
Each month, leading integrative health expert, Dr Andrew Weil, gives his definitive answer to a medical question
Lost & found
Restival is a uniquely off-the-grid festival, held in the remotest locations, and is building a reputation for the deepest reconnection, rejuvenation and self-rediscovery, as Eva Ramirez discovers
The living is easy
It’s summertime, and days in the garden are proving fruitful, with vibrant calendula taking centre stage. Led by experts from Weleda’s gardens, Paul Rushton celebrates the humble ‘pot marigold’ – putting it to good use at home, and on the allotment
Be inspired by the cool, calm interiors of Scandinavia, where homes are flooded with light and every item has a function, even if it’s to create an illusion
The melting pot
In her latest book, Nicola Millbank draws inspiration from Europe, Scandinavia and the East, to embrace eclectic, fusion food