A young woman was killed in April 2016 outside of Louisville, Kentucky, when she and her boyfriend were walking along elevated train tracks in search of a legendary monster reputed to dwell there. The couple—both from Ohio—were searching for a beast called the Pope Lick monster. Roquel Bain, twenty-six, and her boyfriend were on the tracks when a train arrived; the conductor saw them, sounded the horn, and applied the brakes, but it was too late. The man survived by dangling off the bridge, but the woman was hit and dragged, soon dying at the scene.

A news story in The Courier Journal reported that the pair had come to the area from Dayton for a ghost hunt of the Waverly Hills Sanatorium and decided to look for the Pope Lick monster in their spare time. The Pope Lick monster is said to be part human, part goat, and part sheep. It is one of many part-human monsters of regional lore across the country, including the Maryland Goat-Man and the Donkey Lady said to haunt a bridge outside of San Antonio, Texas.
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