APOCALYPSE ANY DAY NOW: Deep Underground with America’s Doomsday Preppers. Tea Krulos. Journalist Tea Krulos has made a curious and enlightening career out of examining groups of people with odd beliefs. In Heroes in the Night: Inside the Real Life Superhero Movement, he interviewed and spent time with ordinary people who dress up as superheroes—not actors or cosplayers but people who actually go out on the streets as servants of justice, (presumably) protecting citizens and preventing crimes. His second book, Monster Hunters: On the Trail with Ghost Hunters, Bigfooters, Ufologists, and Other Paranormal Investigators, did much the same with the “unexplained mystery” crowd. Now Krulos returns with another equally relevant and interesting look at the world of American survivalism, doomsday cults, religious prophets, and the like. The tone is more breezy than scholarly (with more than a few references to zombie apocalypses, for example) but the book offers insight into the mentality of conspiracy theorists and doomsday prophets. Chicago Review Press, 2019, 236 pp., $16.99.
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