The Artist  |  June 2012
Watercolourists will be inspired by many of this month's practical features. Watercolour expert Jean Haines shows how to loosen up and exploit the fabulous qualities of this transclucent medium, Jake Winkle explains how to simplify your subject, whilst Liz Seward shares some of the vital techniques behind her successful watercolours. We also focus on how to improve your drawing of trees; how to make your shadows more believable; which supports to choose for pastel work; how to mix the right greens for your subject matter, plus we put the new Turner Acryl Gouache colours and Caran d'Ache Pastel Pencils and Cubes through their paces. With more features on land and seascapes in acrylics, a masterclass with award-winning Louis McNally, in conversation with Mike Hall and all the latest news, views, competitions to enter, and opportunities for artists, plus money-saving offers and prizes to be won, you won't want to miss this exciting issue!
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Articles dans ce numéro
Vous trouverez ci-dessous une sélection d'articles dans The Artist June 2012.