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The Countryman Magazine January 2018 Retour à l'édition précédente

0 Critiques   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Travel)
The past is a foreign country : they do things differently there,” wrote the novelist L P Hartley in The Go-Between. In this issue we celebrate the photographic genius of James R avilious, who took as his subjects the people and places of rural North Devon during the 1970s and 1980s; though this is a period well within living memory, James still captured a traditional way of life on the brink of sweeping changes – see page 40.
Also in this issue, we explore the natural history of the Scottish wildcat and the conservation initiatives to save Britain’s most
endangered mammal – page 20; we examine what the future might hold for Britain’s small family farms – page 29; and we enjoy the remarkable spectacle of the Allendale Tar Barrel Festival, one of the country's most unusual New Year customs – page 32.
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The Countryman

January 2018 The past is a foreign country : they do things differently there,” wrote the novelist L P Hartley in The Go-Between. In this issue we celebrate the photographic genius of James R avilious, who took as his subjects the people and places of rural North Devon during the 1970s and 1980s; though this is a period well within living memory, James still captured a traditional way of life on the brink of sweeping changes – see page 40. Also in this issue, we explore the natural history of the Scottish wildcat and the conservation initiatives to save Britain’s most endangered mammal – page 20; we examine what the future might hold for Britain’s small family farms – page 29; and we enjoy the remarkable spectacle of the Allendale Tar Barrel Festival, one of the country's most unusual New Year customs – page 32.

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The Countryman issue January 2018

The Countryman  |  January 2018  

The past is a foreign country : they do things differently there,” wrote the novelist L P Hartley in The Go-Between. In this issue we celebrate the photographic genius of James R avilious, who took as his subjects the people and places of rural North Devon during the 1970s and 1980s; though this is a period well within living memory, James still captured a traditional way of life on the brink of sweeping changes – see page 40.
Also in this issue, we explore the natural history of the Scottish wildcat and the conservation initiatives to save Britain’s most
endangered mammal – page 20; we examine what the future might hold for Britain’s small family farms – page 29; and we enjoy the remarkable spectacle of the Allendale Tar Barrel Festival, one of the country's most unusual New Year customs – page 32.
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The Countryman – one of the world’s oldest and most respected countryside magazines – is the lively, independent voice of rural Britain. It focuses on the issues important to people living and working in the countryside, today and tomorrow, and celebrates the historic work, leisure and experiences of country people. Discover wildlife sanctuaries, learn about Nature and folklore, and meet the people who are maintaining rural traditions and skills while innovating for the demands of the 21st century. We cover key issues including conservation, rural heritage, rewilding, rural business and farming, all accompanied by great photography, in short everything that makes our countryside so special.

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