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This England Magazine Spring 2015 Retour à l'édition précédente

5 Critiques   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Only €5,99
These days many of us take our cars for granted, but whatever model we now drive we never forget our first experiences behind the wheel and the car that introduced us to the freedom of the open road. After asking readers to send us details of their first cars we have been inundated with wonderful memories and snapshots, so a two-page feature in the spring issue looks like turning into a regular series. Among the entertaining anecdotes is one from a lady whose beloved 1929 MG had a squeezy horn she was unable to work, forcing her to call out “Excuse me!” to anyone in the way! The stories about an Austin Seven, Triumph Herald, Fiat 500 and Austin Metropolitan are equally amusing and take us back to a time when road travel was very different from today.
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This England

Spring 2015 These days many of us take our cars for granted, but whatever model we now drive we never forget our first experiences behind the wheel and the car that introduced us to the freedom of the open road. After asking readers to send us details of their first cars we have been inundated with wonderful memories and snapshots, so a two-page feature in the spring issue looks like turning into a regular series. Among the entertaining anecdotes is one from a lady whose beloved 1929 MG had a squeezy horn she was unable to work, forcing her to call out “Excuse me!” to anyone in the way! The stories about an Austin Seven, Triumph Herald, Fiat 500 and Austin Metropolitan are equally amusing and take us back to a time when road travel was very different from today.

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This England issue Spring 2015

This England  |  Spring 2015  

These days many of us take our cars for granted, but whatever model we now drive we never forget our first experiences behind the wheel and the car that introduced us to the freedom of the open road. After asking readers to send us details of their first cars we have been inundated with wonderful memories and snapshots, so a two-page feature in the spring issue looks like turning into a regular series. Among the entertaining anecdotes is one from a lady whose beloved 1929 MG had a squeezy horn she was unable to work, forcing her to call out “Excuse me!” to anyone in the way! The stories about an Austin Seven, Triumph Herald, Fiat 500 and Austin Metropolitan are equally amusing and take us back to a time when road travel was very different from today.
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A subscription to This England magazine takes readers on an exciting, colourful seasonal journey, with fascinating articles and stunning photography reflecting England's unique heritage, countryside, people and places, both past and present.

First launched in 1968, each quarterly edition is edited by Stephen Garnett who captures the true spirit and essence of England. Every issue of This England represents great authoritative and informative writing, distinctively entertaining content and uniquely English points of view. Due to its fine editorial content, the magazine inspires and entertains a devoted readership of more than two million people worldwide.

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Sur la base de 5 Commentaires des clients
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This England

I have been reading this magazane for many years now and always enjoy its contents. Révision 06 mai 2020

Love England? Then You'll Love This Magazine

Love England? Then You'll Love This Magazine, this celebrates England in all its pride, our tradition and history remains strong in the pages of this magazine, how it should be. Révision 01 octobre 2018

Articles dans ce numéro

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