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Time Magazine 25th Septmeber 2017 Retour à l'édition précédente

41 Critiques   •  English   •   General Interest (News & Current Affairs)
Only €4,99
Salman Rushdie has deftly walked that tightrope for decades. From his 1981 breakout novel Midnight’s Children, which covered everything from India’s bloody partition to the pangs of unrequited love, to 2005’s Shalimar the Clown, which took jihadism from Kashmir to Los Angeles, Rushdie has become a luminary by marrying the literary to the geopolitical. This time, the novelist returns with his eighteenth book, The Golden House, a political romp through our turbulent time.
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Time Magazine

25th Septmeber 2017 SALMAN RUSDIE PLAYS THE TRUMP CARD Salman Rushdie has deftly walked that tightrope for decades. From his 1981 breakout novel Midnight’s Children, which covered everything from India’s bloody partition to the pangs of unrequited love, to 2005’s Shalimar the Clown, which took jihadism from Kashmir to Los Angeles, Rushdie has become a luminary by marrying the literary to the geopolitical. This time, the novelist returns with his eighteenth book, The Golden House, a political romp through our turbulent time.

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An impressive long-standing history and a readership of approximately 2 million, TIME Magazine has earned its reputation as the most highly respected weekly news publication. Since its launch in 1923, readers have never been left in the dark, as TIME has always and skillfully shone a light on all of the real and pressing matters from around the world.

TIME thoroughly covers topics related to business, history, health, entertainment, politics, technology and the world at large. With in-depth and cleverly written articles, it makes it quite difficult to put this intriguing weekly read down. You do not just simply keep up with the latest world events, but you anticipate them with TIME Magazine.

TIME Magazine is constantly changing, moving and adapting to the current times and remains dedicated to their reader's needs - for example, the publication switched out their iconic red coloured border for black after the attacks of September 11, as a sign of mourning.

TIME is the one true source that fully and genuinely represents our time - stay current and stay knowledgeable of the world in which we live.    

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