Transliving Magazine | Transliving 74
Hello and welcome to issue 74 of Transliving International. This issue includes;
Cover-girl, Ariela Maria Stanciu: Miss Trans Global Romania 2021
Pictures from the Halloween themed Transliving weekend in October, including the Zombie themed photoshoot under the pier at Eastbourne
Articles on creating on your own style, featuring Chicle Barrage and Tina Martini
Trans in the City
Tales of a tall girl at Afternoon Tea by Gillian Hamilton
An interview with US trans-advocate Joanne Carroll
The story of 70's style icon and fashion model Tracy Norman (who graced the pages of magazines such as Vogue, but whose work evaporated when she was outed as trans)
Plus so much more, including your usual reviews, makeup advice, contact adverts and other personal stories and pictures.
Download your copy now and check out the latest in the amazing world of gender diversity!
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Articles dans ce numéro
Vous trouverez ci-dessous une sélection d'articles dans Transliving Magazine Transliving 74.