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UltraMarine Magazine Issue 51 Retour à l'édition précédente

15 Critiques   •  English   •   Family & Home (Animals & Pets)
Only €4,99
Sometimes you stand back from an issue and think “well we never meant to do that.” And that’s the case here, it looks like everything is all about flow and current in this edition. You’ll see that Tristan Lougher explores the subject in some detail in his continuing series on ‘Getting Started’, we have some great new pumps to look at, and there are some changes to existing current devices in the ‘news’. Forgive me but I have to employ a pun: looks like our current issue …

Okay, sorry about that. On a more sensible note, thanks to Mark Angold for sharing his tank with us and also for the great lunch Mark and Paula laid on for me. To be honest though, lunch isn’t necessary if you want to see your tank in UltraMarine – just get in touch and if we feature you there’s a range of benefits from a free twelve month subscription to maybe getting paid.
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UltraMarine Magazine

Issue 51 Sometimes you stand back from an issue and think “well we never meant to do that.” And that’s the case here, it looks like everything is all about flow and current in this edition. You’ll see that Tristan Lougher explores the subject in some detail in his continuing series on ‘Getting Started’, we have some great new pumps to look at, and there are some changes to existing current devices in the ‘news’. Forgive me but I have to employ a pun: looks like our current issue … Okay, sorry about that. On a more sensible note, thanks to Mark Angold for sharing his tank with us and also for the great lunch Mark and Paula laid on for me. To be honest though, lunch isn’t necessary if you want to see your tank in UltraMarine – just get in touch and if we feature you there’s a range of benefits from a free twelve month subscription to maybe getting paid.

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Issue Cover

UltraMarine Magazine  |  Issue 51  

Sometimes you stand back from an issue and think “well we never meant to do that.” And that’s the case here, it looks like everything is all about flow and current in this edition. You’ll see that Tristan Lougher explores the subject in some detail in his continuing series on ‘Getting Started’, we have some great new pumps to look at, and there are some changes to existing current devices in the ‘news’. Forgive me but I have to employ a pun: looks like our current issue …

Okay, sorry about that. On a more sensible note, thanks to Mark Angold for sharing his tank with us and also for the great lunch Mark and Paula laid on for me. To be honest though, lunch isn’t necessary if you want to see your tank in UltraMarine – just get in touch and if we feature you there’s a range of benefits from a free twelve month subscription to maybe getting paid.
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Welcome to one of the world's leading marine specialist magazines. UltraMarine caters for all aspects of the marine fish hobby, from absolute beginner to the most advanced aquarist.

UltraMarine's outstanding images and inspirational content will leave you full of ideas for your own aquarium, and will be an essential tool in guiding you through new set-ups, maintenance, stocking and equipment choices, and tank health.

Our inspiration stems from a wide appreciation beyond the borders of our marine tanks, often tackling issues surrounding oceanography so that we can better understand our captive environments.

Our contributors boast a level of knowledge and experience second to none in the world, offering the reader new perspectives and insights into the hobby.

This magazine gives you around 80 PAGES of high quality articles and photography, from top quality contributors.

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