By Georgia Conlon
our nation has spawned a common disease – that is a lack of education causing LGBTQI+ hyper-sexualisation. birthed by a media terror-organisation it’s a misrepresentation a farcical sensation a smack in the mouth for Creation. why is it sad or mad or bad to tell young people that sometimes man and man walk hand in hand and woman and woman walk hand in hand? it’s not sex education. why not explain without shame without gain that some girls are boys and some boys are girls and when they grow out their curls to make sense of this world it’s OK?
if you’re blaming religion i’ve done some easy addition if God is omniscient+ omnipotent+ omnipresent+ omnibenevolent+ then let Him make the decision for each individual. do not accept division and derision or an ill-fated collision with a sibling or your children. and if personal views are to blame? you must change them rearrange them estrange yourself from communities who care more about reputation made from disinformation than the real situation.
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