The SWWJ invites entries on the theme ‘children are our future’ for the Floella Benjamin Trophy creative writing competition to celebrate its 125th anniversary The SWWJ’s ongoing theme for 2019 is ‘past, present and future’. The competition is named in honour of the SWWJ’s President, Baroness Floella Benjamin.
The competition is open to all UK writers and membership of the SWWJ is not required. Send original, unpublished prose (short story, essay, article, letter, interview, monologue or play) up to 500 words or poems up to forty lines on the theme. There is a first prize of £200, the Floella Benjamin Trophy and a year’s membership of the SWWJ. The entry fee is £2.50 per person. One entry per writer is permitted.
The closing date is 31 August.
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