Fitness For You  |  No.1 Obstacle & Adventure Challenges
The first London Marathon was staged in
1981 with just over 6,000 people
completing the race. At the time it was
seen as an extreme event, but 25 years later
over 36,000 people enter the race each year and
nearly one million people have crossed the finish
line. We don’t know if obstacle and adventure
racing will become this popular, and by their
nature you can’t have thousands of runners all
setting off in one wave. But these events
certainly seem to the growing in popularity, both
with the ultra-fit competitors and the ‘bucketlisters’
of all ages, shapes and sizes.
Marathon running normally requires months
of steady preparation and a very good pair of
shoes. These races are no different, you
benefit from being prepared, doing the
appropriate training and having the right kit. So,
if you have decided you want to give it a go, and
want to know more about the races out there,
we hope this guide proves helpful and inspires
you to take the plunge!
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